Friday, April 24, 2020


Early on, I stripped the bed and put the sheets in the wash, along with a few clothes. Re-made bed with my other set of sheets (I used to have four or five sets, but why? I don't have room for extras, so I donated the others and like this better). Everything was washed, dried, and put away by 10:00.
I did a few other chores, then left at about 12:30. Walked down Victoria to Telephone, then caught a bus--
Yes, I caught a bus.  I was having a problem deleting things on my phone and wanted to go to the Cricket store. That's in the same shopping center with Target and a few streets away from WinCo. It's permitted to go out for food and I needed to get several things at the supermarket, so decided to go to WinCo, too. Cricket, though, wasn't open. Target had blueberries and I got two one-pint packages. I then walked over to WinCo and got the rest of my groceries. Caught a bus back to the transit center and from there, the number 21 near home.
I see no problem with taking the bus again. It's very sparsely filled, presumably because so many are no longer working or going to school. Of the three I took yesterday, one had four other people, the other two, only three. All were sitting well away from each other. There's certainly less "social distancing" than at supermarkets, plus items aren't being handled, then put back on the shelf. Besides that, it was so good for my emotional health to be riding again!  I was surprised to see a sign on the window that said there was no fare. Being over 75, I never had to pay, but now, it looks as if everybody is free. I'm glad about that.
When I got home, my masks from Robyn had come. They are SO much more comfortable than my other one and I was so glad to get them:
Actually, I have it on upside down here. Robyn called to ask if I had noticed the little metal strip, which can to shaped over the nose. No, I hadn't, but now I see it. I just don't feel like taking another picture.  It does look a tad like a piece of tablecloth wrapped around my head, but so what?
I had to recharge my phone, so spent the time during that by cleaning up some of the patio. I have a lot more to do, but I got rid of some of the leafy debris and so on. 
My niece, Joan, called to ask my advice about some pictures she put on Facebook. Betty called, anxious to read me a letter from my girl, Ellen. She did and I enjoyed it myself. 
I called El after dinner and we had a nice chat. I told her about going on the bus; I was afraid she'd be upset over that, but once I told her how sparse the riders are, I think she was okay with it.

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