Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Widder Lunch

It was warmer and not foggy, but cloudy walking Kimball.  Did the usual after, then tackled some stuff I've been neglecting (I keep doing that!). I scrubbed the double sink in the kitchen, did same in bathroom, then discarded the dead plants in the patio and put the pretty new ones my children gave me there.  Watered the ficus and did a few other little chores; the place looks pretty good.  Filled my six pill holders for the next six weeks, then got a text from Michelle, my accountant. She had completed the amended return (after my error) and charged me only $25.  She was at the post office only a few blocks from me, so dropped it off for me to sign both state and fed. I then took it to the P.O. to send certified.  Whew--I'm glad to get that off my mind and forget about it.
Changed, and got to The Sizzler early. Susan came in shortly and we both talked about how we dislike the place. I know Nancy and Carolyn don't like it, either, so maybe we can switch when Vera gets back from the Dominican Republic.  She and her teen aged children are doing charity work there with their church for a week.
Jana came and I introduced her to the group. It's been only three weeks since her husband died; he had been sick a long time. Nancy didn't come yesterday, but Carolyn did, as did Elisa and two men, Ray and Brent. Nice guys and they had harrowing stories; Ray's wife had survived brain cancer for 14 years,but then it recurred.  Brent's wife suffered from ALS,  Anyway, we had a good lunch and good talk.
I went home to put sneaks on and drove back to town for my usual walk.  Ran into Marie M. there. She has moved to a "tiny house" from the low-income Ventura Inn and likes it a lot. I'm sure I wouldn't.  Coincidentally, I got an e-mail from Lori of Ventura Council for Seniors (although I resigned, I guess I'm still on their list), asking for ideas and opinions on the possibility of more housing for seniors in Ventura.  I'll respond at length.

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...