Wednesday, April 11, 2018

More Goings On

Busier than ever. After Kimball and breakfast, I set about cleaning, trimming, and chopping a large cauliflower, two pounds of carrots, and the grilled chicken I like in salads. Sliced up onions and tomatoes and roasted with oil, vinegar, and seasonings. I find this very satisfying, as I like to have a nice stock of fresh veggies at hand. Took a load of wash to The Place and did the back and forth in between my chop chores.
Remembered I said I'd do the T.O.P.S. program this Friday, so I e-mailed a note to members, asking them to think of answers to certain questions, such as  "what's the meanest, funniest, or least helpful thing anyone said about your weight gain?" and so on. I'll then lead a discussion on those topics.
Finally, at long last, I stopped at Jessica Nails and got a manicure. The color I picked looks like bubble gum, teeny-bopper style, but so what, it's cute.
Did the town walk, then stopped at Staples for printer ink. As soon as I got  home, Suzanne rang my bell and invited me to go with her to the Genghis Khan exhibit at the Reagan Library on Saturday.  I accepted with pleasure and am looking forward to it.
I went on the Amtrak web site and was intensely frustrated that I wasn't able to get my tickets to and from Santa Barbara for tomorrow. It kept telling me to put things in I already had. Must call them.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...