Sunday, April 08, 2018


Busy, busy day, but a good one. After walking Kimball in much warmer weather than it had been, I changed for the Toastmasters Regional Contest. Just had a tangerine with my coffee because it included breakfast.
And what breakfast: Besides Danish and other sweet things (which I don't eat), they had two kinds of sandwiches--croissant with cheese and wraps with ham and pickle--plus large glass bowls filled with mixed nuts, trail mix, and other combos; several kinds of wrapped "health" bars (pure crap, sez I) and a huge variety of other goodies. I had one each of the sandwiches, plus coffee, and called it lunch, although it was 9:30 in the morning. The cost for this spread? Five bucks.
I would had paid that just to be at the meeting, as the talks were top notch. They had the virtue of being short (none longer than eight minutes) and were on a variety of topics, such as the Puerto Rican hurricane, a father's travail with his daughter's illness, and a terrific one by a young actress of Indian descent.  I talked to her after and hope to see her again. There were lots of attendees there from both my Toastmasters groups and I was pleased to see them. Ate with John Callaghan, who had been on Santa Cruz Island when the earthquake struck, just a few miles from the epicenter. He was interviewed by NBC News. Fern was there, of course, plus Edith and others I know. It was a fine event and I enjoyed it.
It lasted until 1:00, after which I went home to change. Just had some leftover veggies for an extra lunch, then took off for town and did the museum-to-library walk. After that, I completed errands at the following venues:
1. To Enterprise to say my car is suddenly telling me it can't read my key. I forgot the key itself has a battery and the sweet guy there changed it.
2. To Penney's Hair Salon to find Mary and complain that the left side of my hair was sticking out. She did something or other, then told me to mist it and brush toward my face.
3. To Dexter's Cameras to pick up my DVD and VHS, which they had transferred.
4. To the clinic on Wells Road, because I want to donate my Atvoritin (?), which I ordered in error from Caremark.
5. To the 99 Cent store, then to Wal-Mart, trying to find a mister, which I couldn't.
6. To Sprouts for raw shrimp--it's so much better when you stir-fry yourself, rather than buying it cooked, it doesn't seem like the same seafood.
Called Nancy to see if she wanted to go to the Blue Agave after our museum outing this afternoon. She does, I was delighted to hear and I'm looking forward to that and the documentary on the New York Public Library.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...