Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Toastmasters and Finger

Not one of my better days.  It started off okay with Kimball and breakfast. I then took a load of wash to The Place and that was okay, too.  However, my little finger on my right hand had started getting sore on Sunday; yesterday, it was worse.  I assumed it was just arthritis, but it hurts when I bend or press on it and just below it on my hand is slightly swollen and red. I don't remember hitting it, but maybe I did.
Aside from that, my stomach is bothering me. Not sure if it's a holdover from dinner on Saturday--that's hard to believe--but I'd just as soon it was that, as I'm afraid it could be a recurrence of the ulcer. I had been told to take that ome-something, but stopped after a time because the bottle says to take it for only two weeks. I've resumed it now, so I hope that helps.
Corresponded back and forth a lot with my fellow Toastmasters and did a lot of other computer stuff. Went to Jessica Nails and got a manicure--bright red and it looks good. Drove to town after for my walk, but I just
Didn't.  Do. It.  For the first time in more than a year, I made a conscious decision to skip it, even though I didn't have to. I did drove to the Ventura Avenue branch. Picked up a bio of Maxwell Perkins, editor of lots of my favorites, notably Wolfe, Fitzgerald, and Hemingway.
Got to Dudley House early, as usual. Jan came to give me the key and the meeting was pretty good, although only eight people attended. I was grammarian, but found no criminal uses of the language. Fern told me I have to do a "research" speech next. I'm mulling over whether to give Emily or acting the nod. Cece called after I had gotten home to say she had accidentally left something there. Since I have the key, I'll zip over today and got it.
I had decided to call the doctor if my finger was no better. However, I'm relieved that it's improved; isn't as sore and the swelling and inflammation have lessened, although some is still there.  I have no idea what it could have been.

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