Sunday, April 29, 2018

Lunch At Yolanda's

Walked Kimball, had breakfast, puttered around with this and that, then Suzanne rang my bell. She had just gotten home from a seminar for St. John's faculty in Santa Barbara and had also visited with her cousin in Santa Maria. We had a good talk about family and other topics; as I do, she has a large range of ages in cousindom. When I was born, I had a cousin who was 25 and I now have others that are considerably younger than I am. These are all first cousins; I doubt if I could even count second and third. Anyway, it's  always good to talk to her.
Met Nancy at Yolanda's at 1:00 and, as ever, we had a great time together.  She's leaving Tuesday and will be gone for the entire month of May--darn, I'll miss her. I gave her the wine card from The Cave, along with a bon voyage card and will look forward to one of our jaunts.
Unfortunately, the food wasn't very good. We both got Carnitas ("little meat") with tortillas to wrap it in, but the pork was overcooked--it had probably been in the pot for hours--and we both complained. We were then given new platters, which we asked to have wrapped to go. Of course, I told the waiter, who spoke almost no English, we didn't intend to pay for it, and he agreed. However, when he bought out checks (we always go Dutch), he had charged me $53.81!  Of course, he took it back and changed it, but what an annoyance. I gave my portion to Nancy, as I don't eat red meat as a rule and I'm no fan of Mexican food in the first place.
Nance and I parted  and I drove directly to town for museum to library. Stayed to read for a bit, then called El from the car. She was talking to somebody, so called me back when I got home. We had a long, enjoyable chat about solar  panels, which she's considering, then she invited me over today. I'll bring my lunch and see if the lock for her house I made will work. She also invited me to the Cinco de Mayo celebration next Friday, at Briggs School near hers--her third-graders will perform. I was delighted to accept, for one thing because I like to be with her, but for another, I can wear my fiesta skirt there. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...