Friday, April 20, 2018

Chores and Toastmasters

After my morning routine, I got a lot of pesky little chores done. Older son had told me I didn't need to pay for Avast ($49.99) Avira is just as good and it's free. I refused the payment to Avast and got the other. Patrick also told me there was no reason to pay Skype for anything; I, in my idiot phase, had given them $30.50 for whatever, which I'll never use. I "chatted" with them and they agreed to a refund. I then took my used magenta ink cartridge to Office Max, found I had a "rewards" program was up to eleven something, so paid only about ten bucks for a wide black ink one. To top it off, I had a gift card for Barnes & Noble (which I got for my eightieth and hadn't used yet), took it in, and found I had $18.50 left. Bought the Roz Chast book and paid only $3.65.  Gawd, with all the money I saved, I could get a new hat or something.  If I wore hats.
Hey, I was cookin' with gas, as we used to say. Inspired, I filled in various dates and appointments on my calendar, filed some stuff, and otherwise completed lots of crapola I should have done weeks ago.  Did the museum, library, and back thing, then sped home to shower and dress for Pointsettia Toastmasters at 7:00.
This turned out to be a good session. I was Joke Master and my pun-ny funnies went over big. Also participated in a "tell or die" session (five people have to keep a preposterous story going) and otherwise had a great time.
Mike here this afternoon--yay! 

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