Saturday, October 28, 2017


Walked Kimball, went home to change, then to T.O.P.S. This time I gained--horrors!--I'm up two-tenths of a pound. Last week, my total loss was 40.06, this time it was 40.04, so it's hardly the road to perdition.
Anyway, we had a good session. Lolly brought me the Kind bars she had mentioned last week--two of them, apple/mango and apple/cherry, 130 calories each. They contain nothing but dried fruit and Chia seeds; therefore, she said they're good for snacks. I tried to explain I don't eat in-between meals, except after 8:00 pm, when I have fruit. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so I accepted them and said I'd have one during that time.
But what a crock--these bars are 1.2 ounces! For an equal number of calories, you could have almost two cups of blueberries and/or other multiples of fresh or frozen fruit. I can't imagine a circumstance under which I'd eat the things, except during a hike or something, but that probably isn't in the cards. (One of the problems with the sky-rocketing obesity rates in this country, I think, is that we've swallowed (heh-heh) the idea that it's natural and normal to include "snacks" in your diet.)
Home, breakfast (not until 10:00), then household chores, lunch, and I was off to town for my walk. Later, I stopped at Wal-Mart for a few things; had shrimp, spaghetti, squash, and cauliflower for dinner. Didn't eat the Kind bar at 8:00 and I'm sorry I had told Lolly I would. Maybe I'll just have a bite and discard the rest.
(I forgot to mention yesterday that my new friend, Noreen, got her R.N. license after her two children. She worked at Community Memorial here in Ventura, but retired some years ago.)

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...