Monday, October 23, 2017

Anger And Ojai

Walked Kimball and had an experience.
Background: Several people allow go there in the morning with their dogs off-leash, which drives me crazy. I spoke to a certain woman several times about it--she has a teeny-tiny dog who runs all over the place. Yesterday, I happened to walk near her and heard her dog bark from in the bushes; I stopped and looked over, I guess with an annoyed look on my face. Woman assured me "he's a sweetheart"--they ALL say that, probably while their dog is tearing somebody limb from limb. Anyway, I expressed annoyance, but then the thought came to me, this isn't worth it. I get angry so easily and I have to curb that. We talked for a bit and I just stuck out my hand and said, "Let's be friends." We shook and she said her name was Shelley and her dog is Joey. I walked on and felt better about it. I'm going to try to stop getting so damn mad so often.
After breakfast, I dug up (on-line) one of my older plays--really, just a skit. Revised it a bit and will probably use it in the show. I want to see what other possibilities there might be, also; I'll duplicate some of the material from last time, too.
Did this and that before driving to Ojai to Ellen's. I was pleased that Greg had thought to leave me Ventura magazine, which has an article on the Santa Paula Theatre. El and I chatted a bit and I admired her gorgeous bougainvillea, which drapes over about twelve feet of her fence. We then went to Co'Marco for lunch. I had a Caprese salad and Chardonnay and enjoyed them, but even more, being with her. We stopped after at the Ojai library, which was having a book sale. I bought twenty books for five bucks--not sure where I'm going to put them, but I couldn't resist.
Left El's about 3:30, went to town, walked the walk (and read more of Joe D.), then home.

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