Sunday, October 29, 2017

Containers and Con Ed

Walked K. in downright chilly weather. It stayed cool, in the sixties, all day; around here, that's practically sub-zero.
But no matter: I galvanized myself and finally got the place in shape. Vacuumed, used Resolve on some carpet marks (I may have to redo), put the new cushions on the kitchen chairs, dusted, and otherwise cleaned. Most important, I got the stuff from my car that was strewed here and there, assembled and neatened it up, then stored out of sight. I still have a few containers with items from the Hyundai in the Nissan trunk that I want to go through. I'll add a few things, then donate to the thrift store.
After completing my tasks, I went to WinCo for fish, bread, and the rest of the ingredients I need for the Nana Mix I want to send the boys in Jersey. Ran into Don (well, not literally!) as I pulled into my spot and we chatted. Got home and opened the fridge to put things away and--no light on. And no light anywhere else--the electricity was out. I rang Suzanne's bell and she said it had been out for about a half hour. A little later, she rang my bell and told me she had heard the electric company was doing maintenance and it would be back on about 4:00.
Okay, no prob, I was on my way to the library after lunch anyway. When I drove there, Victoria Avenue, which aside from the freeway is surely the most heavily traveled street in Ventura, had no traffic lights working! Darn, it was hairy trying to traverse it without getting hit, but I finally did and got to town.
Lots of people there, as there was some kind of Halloween festival for the kiddies, but that was okay. Stayed at the library for an hour or so reading, left and got home and found the electricity back on--yay!
Later, I found two e-mails from Con Ed, one advising me there'd be an outage, the other saying it was back on. Okay, that's convenient, except I only check my e-mail in he early morning and in the evening. Now I'll know to do that if the electricity ever goes out again.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...