Friday, October 27, 2017


Well, conditions have improved a bit, although for the first time in--five months? six months?--I wasn't able to walk Kimball. I could easily, of course, have walked around the neighborhood, but I spent time in the morning with various things related to the car.
I was contacted by Enterprise and, as promised, they picked me up at 10:30, took me to their place (only about two miles away), and I got a Nissan Centra. Went from there to Johnson Avenue, trying to find Paradise Chevrolet, where my car was taken, because I knew I had to sign an authorization. Couldn't find it and didn't want to waste any more time, so I went from there to meet Noreen in town.
We went to the Paradise Cafe (this whole place is just heavenly) and had a delightful time. Noreen is two years older than I am (that always gives me a lift) and walks in an odd "straddle." She told me frankly that was the result of a hip operation (gone bad, I guess) and knee problems. Anyway, I ran over several of the tips on acting she had missed in the first two sessions and she was very receptive. We also got to know each other better: She had been married, but divorced her husband after thirty years when he had an affair and fathered two other children. She never liked him, she said, but he was a good father to their two children. She graduated from high school and married three days later; she was pregnant. Anyway, he died last November, no loss to her.
After a leisurely lunch, we parted, and I took my regular walk to the library. After walking back, I asked Google to guide me to the Chevvy place. I wanted to take out the stuff in my car, which I did. The auto shop boss, Mike, said he thought AAA would declare it a total loss, but he didn't know when, so he asked me to be patient. Now that I have wheels, I will be.
El called on her way home to see how things were and I'm in better shape. I also got a text from someone who asked if I had felt the earthquake. What earthquake? I was told there was a 4.0 one in Lompac, but that's a distance from here.
(Forgot to mention that the other day, I had taken my BP twice at Wal-Mart; still low at 82/58 and 97/62.)


iloveac said...

I bet that B/P machine in WalMart hasn't been calibrated in many a moon. If your B/P is 82/58 you should get it re checked by a reliable machine. I doubt you'd be able to stand upright with a systolic (top #) of 82.

Mimi said...

Pat, I should. I'll ask Suzanne to hook me up and see as soon as she has a chance. Thanks.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...