Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Widder Lunch and So On

Walked Kimball. Called my dear brother, Frank, after breakfast, but he didn't answer. Left a message to the effect I'd call later. I understand he's out of ICU and hope he's recovering.
Called Betty, who was just coming out of the doctor's office. She said she had had bad pain the night before. However, the doctor said he didn't know what was wrong; she seems to have had every test possible. Of course, she's most worried (as am I) that it might be a return of cancer. All the tests are negative, though.
I have a hankering--you might even say a craving (could I be preggers?)--for spaghetti squash, but they had none at WinCo or Von's. Finally found it at Ralph's.
Got to the widder lunch and was pleased to see Donna, who hadn't been there for several months. Why? Well, it seems there's a gentleman friend in the picture now and I'm happy for her. I was surprised to see Chuck and Pam there, too. Although they've moved to Arizona, their (prefab) house isn't ready yet, so they came back for a visit. Nancy was there, of course, and I had a fine time at the end of the table with her, Gayle, and Sharon. I ordered my Chardonnay, brought out my tangerines, and happily joined in the chatter.
Drove directly to town after, getting there about 2:00. Walked to the library and started reading an old favorite of mine: J.D. Salinger and boy, he was a master. I checked out the book, so now I have three going at once, plus the audio book in the car. Typically for me, two are non-fiction, but the other two not.
Got a phone call from a certain ten-year-old to thank me for my card and gift. Can't wait to see him in a few weeks.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...