Monday, August 14, 2017


Walking Kimball started a so-so day. Did the usual Sunday thing--breakfast, newspaper, crossword puzzle--then cleaned the coffee maker, but after, it was still only 9:15. Went early into town, although I knew the library dosen't open until 1:00.
Did my second walk, home for lunch, then completed a few household things. Later in the day, I drove to Grant Park, way up in the hills. I had forgotten about this place, although Ellen had taken me there several years ago. It was a little hairy driving up there, but the views on all sides are just unbelievably magnificent. You can see a sweeping views of the whole town, plus the beach, pier, and ocean on one side. On the other, huge mountains, one after another, loom up, all of them wreathed with pure white clouds. It was spectacular and now that I know I can, I'll drive up there again.
Stopped at the library and read Morris Berman for a bit. Based on ominous indications, he believes the empire is crumbling and so do I. Stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home to take my BP. It was 126/70, which is considerably higher than it has been. Not sure why, but oh, well...

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...