Wednesday, August 02, 2017

The Usual, Plus Ojai

Walked Kimball. Did the wash/dry, back-and-forth thing. It's funny how it now seems perfectly natural and not at all onerous to take my laundry down a path and put quarters in machines. Goes to show, it's all what you're used to, I guess.
Went to WinCo for veggies, to the 99-cent store for sponges, and made a few other stops. I finally made applesauce with the five apples I bought the other day. Whipped up a salad and so on. Corresponded back and forth with a few people on text and e-mail. My cousin, Diana, asked if I had an electronic version of my grandfather's (her great-) barbershop. Couldn't find it, so scanned one I have framed and put it on Facebook for her.
After lunch, drove to town for my m. to l. walk. Cooked up my din-din of swai (fish) and spinach, then took off for Ojai to feed Sebastian. As instructed, I also cleaned his poopy box. I noticed it was nice and cool in there and texted El to ask about that; I didn't think she'd want to keep the AC on for only the cat. However, she did, and said it was timed to 78 degrees, which is reasonable, I think.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...