Thursday, August 10, 2017

Dinner With El

Walked Kimball, natch, then went to the farmers' market at the mall after breakfast. I got green leaf lettuce, Japanese tomatoes and cucumbers (these are very long and thin), regular tomatoes, a round yellow cucumber, limes, and broccoli. Zipped over to WinCo and got some wild-caught, no-color-added salmon. I wanted to make a nice dinner for my guest--ever so elegant Ellen (ha!). It's great to buy directly from the farmers and I still have some of the county-given coupons left.
Got a call from the solar panel company to say they want to send somebody to put "fencing" or something around the panels. Also, they want to send an electrician to check and make sure the electrical wiring is still sound--or something. Once I ascertained there's no charge for either, I acquiesced. Called my tenant, Eileen, to inform her and gave her the number so she can call and set a convenient time. After lunch, I drove to town, but couldn't find a place to park at or near the museum; they were all taken, presumably by fair-goers. No prob, I just reversed my usual procedure.
El got here about 5:30 and we chatted, then sat down to the fish 'n' veggie dinner. Her sewer is still being worked on, but may be finished by today. She enjoyed the meal (I added broccoli and spaghetti squash to the salmon and had mixed fruit for dessert) and so did I--mainly because I was with one of my favorite people. She stayed to watch Rachel Maddox, then went off, but not before asking me to help out a bit at school today. The kids come in a week from today--they always start early here--and she's been preparing her classroom. Sure, I'll be glad to.
Neighbor Suzanne got in late in the day. I saw her car, but she must be exhausted and I'll wait until she knocks on my door.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...