Sunday, August 27, 2017

Back in Town

Here I am, back in the Land of the Locusts. Didn't get home on Friday until 7:00 and I had left Ruidoso at 8:30 am. The shuttle was late, for one, plus the freeway was just bumper to bumper seemingly up the entire route. Suzanne was there to pick me up when I got in and when we got home, I immediately rushed out again to buy fruit. Jumped in the shower after that, settled in, and slept well.
Yesterday, I started the day with the Kimball walk--I don't want to give myself a pass on that. Spent a lot of time on what used to be called "paperwork"--now it's computer work, of course. Went to WinCo for fish and produce. After lunch, drove to town and did the museum to library thing. Went from there to Ellen's. We had a nice chat while she worked on laminating and trimming her students' little folders. Had yummy rock fish and good fresh spinach for dinner.
In between, I wrote out an account of my great trip to New Mexico for a few people. For some damn reason, Microsoft Office wouldn't let me save it, so I had to copy and put in the body of the e-mail message. Then, when I got up this morning, I found the computer had "no signal." Turned off, but no luck. Pulled the plug and that seems to have done the trick. But--how frustrating! I hope it'll behave now.


iloveac said...

Glad you're back online and that the trip was so good.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat!


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...