Monday, November 10, 2014

Scripts and Stuff

After our walk and an early breakfast, I spent the next five hours slaving over a hot P.C.  Revised two of my four plays--one slightly, one significantly--and started writing a fifth.  I'm going to call it Ladies Who Lunch and it will be funny (I hope).  I'm just patching together a lot of old material I wrote when I played Ivan Trunkel, the Hungarian Psychic, in a murder mystery at the Surf City Hotel. Added a few gags from Tony and the Heiress, plus some stolen goods lifted from the Internet and it's shaping up okay.  Also assembled and organized a lot of stuff for Listen to This!  We're opening in less than a week--yoicks!--and I need to mark my script with cues to get my players on stage at the right times.  It's not going to be easy riding herd on nine of them.
At about two, I just had to stop and clear my head, so thought I'd drive to Manahawkin.  However, my car sounded worse than ever, so I turned back.  I just hope it lasts through this week, as I have at least one obligation every day--rehearsals, my acting course, teeth cleaning, the insurance woman, and a Players & Playwrights meeting.  Next week, I hope to get my poor baby up north to consult my friends' mechanic.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...