Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Busy and Armistice Day

Biz, biz, bizzy day!  Picked Aline up at 9:00 and went off to Shalom House, the Margate library being closed for odious Armistice Day.*
The acting class went very well.  Bernice had informed me she would be absent, but all other attendees were there--and on time, too.
Last meeting, I had printed out ten poems, mostly by my favorite poets, William Butler Yeats, Emily Dickinson, Shakespeare, and William Blake.  I had them randomly select one and asked them to recite and explain theirs next time, which was yesterday. Generally, they all did a credible job and it was an excellent session.  In fact, a number of attendees remarked after on how much they enjoy the course--very satisfying, considering I work my ass off (oops--sorry) to make it so. We stopped at Smithville for lunch, virtuous Mimi getting only a Caesar salad and no beer, then drove home.
When I got in, I was taken aback to hear a message from Henry M., the only male who had signed up to attend the acting course, but he didn't show up in October.  I called him right after and left a message, but he didn't get back to me until yesterday. Called him and, to cut it short, he seems to want to still attend, although he missed the first two sessions.
This is really a complication, as the others already have their "assignments" for next time and I'm just not sure how I would fit Henry in.  He said he had been in the hospital, which is why he didn't show--why he didn't call me back until a month later, I don't know.
We talked and I found he's had some acting experience--not sure how long ago; he sounds pretty old--although my course is aimed toward those who haven't.  Anyway, if he can't be included, he asked if he could get his deposit back. Said I'd call FELS coordinator, Adele C., which I did and she'll get back to me.
Another complication: As soon as I dealt with the previous, I went over to Susan to ask Walter to take over announcing duties for Frank on Friday, while he attends his aunt's funeral.  He agreed and that was that, I thought--.
But no-o-o-o.  I sat down at the computer to find a message from Tonya that she had asked Kevin Berdini to do the honors.  Had to call Walter to rescind and I'm not even absolutely sure Kevin intends to do the honors for my Shadow, or just for Tonya's episodes, but I assume he will.
Today, I'll go to exercise at 9:00 (I fervently hope it's the two-mile and not the three) and will see the health insurance rep at 3:30.  My friend will come, too, to help me decide what I should do about next year's coverage.  Rehearsal again tonight, when if we're lucky, the coverage for Frank will be straightened out.
Can't wait until the week is over.
*WIDER:  Oh, yes, yes, I know the lousy warmongers have rechristened it "Veterans Day," bastardizing the original idea for it, which was to remember combatants who died in battle, not simply fought.  The paeans of praise for the "heroes" seemed to reach a fever pitch yesterday, with almost hysterical outpourings of worshipful garbage for our troops--who are practically divine, as was hinted about the Japanese kamikaze pilots during World War II--along with free car washes and lunch at McDonald's.  The Press of Atlantic City ran an odious piece on the front page about heroic vets visiting classrooms, presumably to impress on the children the nobleness of slaughtering strangers on command.  In places of worship (not that I would dream of darkening their doors), there was surely many a mention, if not full sermons, dedicated to the hired killers. The whole idea behind these sickening practices is, of course, to ensure the mindset favorable to never-ending war and to nudge those upcoming--the children--to eventually volunteer for "service" as executioners for a grateful nation.              

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