Thursday, November 20, 2014

Breakfast and a Pedicure

Not a bad day--but cold, cold, cold.  Met Susan as usual at 7:00 for our walk, all bundled up against winter.
I had agreed to pick Aline up at 10, which I did, although I don't like to have breakfast that late.  I meant to go to exercise before that, but instead, decided to go to Sunset Nails for a pedicure. However, I found they don't open until 9:30.
We went to John and Sonia's, that popular neighborhood luncheonette and enjoyed it.  I was sorry to hear Aline can't go to my next acting session, as she has some function or other at the library.
Dropped her off there and went home, then spent several hours completing When Cooks Confer and tidying up the other plays I'll have my students perform next time.
Quit that long enough to finally get over to Sunset Nails and get my pedicure.  It felt great and my tootsies look purty.  I really should have a manicure, too, but I'll defer that or do it myself.
Decided which duo in my class will do which play and when; I'm scheduling two per session (December and January) and the last in February.
Talked to Betty and told her I'd go down to see her house tomorrow.  Said I'd take the bus, as I don't want to drive that far, but now I'm having second thoughts.
Going up to the farm today--I hope my car will make it--as it's the last for the season.  My friend is coming a bit after 12:00 to contact a few health insurance companies, the black-hearted bastards, to see if I can get a better deal.  I don't have much confidence I will, though.  I got e-mail info from Omaha and so on, then a phone call. Talked to the guy and they want close to $300 a month, so screw that.  I'm reconciled to the $180, plus not inconsiderable co-pays, and I just want to get past this whole thing.

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Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...