Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Rain and Stuff

I hate rain.  Yeah, yeah, you have to have rain to make the flowers grow and the rivers go and the fireflies glow--or something.  I don't like it, though, it's so cold and wet, and it rained hard all day yesterday.
I did get my blood test, had breakfast, then went to exercise. Unfortunately, nobody could run the DVD machine, although five women tried.  I left at twenty after nine, just decided I had given it a go, and I can't be faulted for not remaining.
Went to Acme and got a rose for Susan, Aline's sister.  Why?  As an apology for my abominable behavior yesterday.  Say what? (Ugh! Why would I use that illiterate military jargon?)
The story:  Susan came into our enclosure before the performance yesterday and that just isn't done.  Seemingly, she didn't realize it, but I didn't care, I was steamed.  She greeted Aline, then smiled at me.  I brushed past her, scowling and muttering about "why a member of the audience would be backstage...."
After, Aline said Susan was terribly upset at my snub; mostly hurt. I felt like a worm, the lowest of the low.  In fact, it made the cast party less fun and, in retrospect (how do I get out of this retrospect?) cast a shadow over the whole weekend.  I was sick at my own mean reaction to what was, after all, probably an innocent move of Susan's.
Anyway, I got her the rose, put it in a vase, and wrote an apologetic note.  But when I got to her house, Susan came out in her robe in the pouring rain, hugged me, and said not to think anymore about it.  Wow, what a relief and I hope that will be a lesson to me to keep my big, sarcastic mouth shut.  Gave her the rose and the note, anyway, of course, then took Aline to work at the library.
I went in with her to request Dalton Rambo's classic anti-war novel, Johnny Got His Gun, which I read years ago, but want to again.
Called Betty and was going to go down to see her house--she moved back in--but thought it best to change my mind, considering the state of my car.  We chatted for quite a while, though, and caught up with each other.
Other than that, I cut up carrots and put them in the slow cooker with orange slices and cinnamon; also made a big pot of angel hair spaghetti and meatballs.  Revised and completed most the of plays I'm going to assign for my class, and did lots of wash.
Today, I'm leaving at 7:00 to take the damn car up to my son-in-law's, so his mechanic can look at it.  May stay over, may not.
Greatly enjoyed another Breakfast with Baby, adorable Mr. K.  He said "Nana" several times and I'm sure he knows that's me.  What a little doll.  

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