Saturday, November 08, 2014

Errands and Such

I had a long list of errands and accomplished all but one.  Got a flash drive, salt, computer paper, and other supplies, then stopped at Pat's Automotive (now my bosom buddy after a rocky start) so he could check my oil and water levels.  Said both are okay.
Looked in three stores for (artificial) white poppies (I intend to wear one on the eleventh; see yesterday's entry), but couldn't find any.  I'll just make one myself.
Completed my info for the Holy Spirit directory*--don't know if I'll order one or not--and did a bunch of other on-line stuff.  Betty called late (for me, that is--after 8:00) and we chatted.
I'm going to skip our walk this morning, as I'm leaving for my friend's at 8:30 for a memorial service for her mother-in-law.  I suppose there'll be lunch after; I'm also attending the wine and cheese party tonight at our clubhouse, but that's not until 7:00.    

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...