Thursday, November 27, 2014

Apple Pie and Ellen

It's apple pie time and I spent a fair amount of yesterday making one.  I do this only once or twice a year and boy, it's a job.
The crust (a double one, of course) came out pretty good.  I can't imagine buying one--much too perfectly fitted to a flimsy pan and not too flavorful, I think.  Mine isn't nearly as pretty (I have to patch here and there), but if I say it myself, it's wonderfully flaky and good.  As for buying "apple pie filling" in a jar, I can't even imagine it.  If that's how you like your apples--sickeningly sweet and slickly slimy--you might as well just buy the whole pie. (And I'm proud of my food snobbery, so there!)
I always use part Granny Smith and part Golden Delicious apples. I bought five very large ones and it filled the pan high. Years ago, I was often horrified (well, chagrined) at the gap that formed between the crust and the filling as the pie baked. Later, I discovered the secret of avoiding it:  The apple wedges must be very thin, so should be sliced by hand and not with one of those metal apple dividers.
Earlier, Susan and I walked under umbrellas in the pouring rain.  I picked Aline up for breakfast and we went to John and Sonia's.  I had poached eggs, nicely soft, and my bill with tip came to five dollars and eight cents.  Can't beat that.  Aline then helped me carry the wicker love seat into the guest room, after which I dropped her off to work at the library.
Aside from that, not much going on except for the highlight of the day: A Skype visit from Ellen in the evening.  We discussed my trip there; I had thought I'd wait until after Christmas, but that's not so good for her, so I changed my plan.  Will start looking at airline prices (gulp!) tomorrow.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...