Saturday, September 06, 2014

Van Tour and Audition

Hell's bells.  Susan and I were all set to enjoy the "A Taste of Jersey" van tour today, until---
Early on, I managed to sort of sort (that's what it amounts to) another mountain of pictures, the ones on the kitchen counters, anyway.  Went to Acme and got turkey breast so I could bring lunch to the tour, assembled the things I wanted to take, and otherwise prepared.
It was hot enough when we walked at 7:00, but now it was brutal. That was enough to get me to abandon my chores and go to the pool.  The lifeguards are back at college and there were only a couple and another woman there, none of whom I knew.
The water was heavenly.  Lolled around in it while talking with the two women.  They're newcomers--one has lived here only a year and she seemed reasonably interesting, the other a total bore.  Oh, I'm sorry, lady, but I don't give a damn about your bypass and your husband's hernia, and how girls dress like sluts nowadays, all in a Brooklyn accent.  She was surely at least ten years younger than I am, so why did I feel I was enduring a chat with my senile grandmother?
Left in an hour or so, physically refreshed, if not intellectually stimulated.  Got home to shower and prepare for picking Aline up for the audition.  Phone rang.  It was the Ocean County Parks System person, saying Susan and I were the only two to sign up for tomorrow's van tour, so it was cancelled.  Damn! I was so looking forward to it. However, we were offered the same on October 25 and accepted that.
Called Betty to see if she wanted to come over and go to the pool today. She did and I'll see her in a few hours.
Picked Aline up at 5:15 for The Sound of Music auditions.  Lots there, including about six thousand little kiddies (there are speaking/singing parts for seven children).  This is an Our Gang Players production and the idiot, Bruce (he was in Arsenic and had to have his lines on a table in front of him; used to be married to Sherry, OGP's founder) was taking registration.  I was pleased to be greeted by Lou Monaco, who directed that show back in February, 2013.
I was brought in fairly early and recited a monologue from my opening scene in Hedda, plus some of my act IV lines.  I don't think I did particularly well, but got a callback for Monday night. Aline did a monologue on gloves, which I haven't heard, but she was not called back.  She was okay with that, though, saying she valued the experience and good for her.
After, I drove to Graveling point, so I could show A. the bay at high tide.  The water covered the beach and was satisfyingly choppy and dramatic.  It's always a pleasure to realize that, although we come such different backgrounds, we have so much in common, including a love--along with a sensible wariness--of the ocean.    

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Did a color wash during breakfast, ate, then pulled together the little verse for Duane and his gal (and her father). Wrapped it, made lunch...