Sunday, September 07, 2014

Pool And Callbacks

A delightful day.  Betty got here a bit after 10:00 and off we went on what I consider a perfect pool day:  humid, heavy, and hot as hell.
The water was wonderful, of course, and we stayed in for a good forty-five minutes. We chatted with Fran S., whom I hadn't met before, but knew of, thanks to Susan.  She had showed me the book Fran wrote (as I've mentioned before, I don't think I know anybody who hasn't written a book), about her large Italian family.  Fran and her sister--neither married--live together around the corner from me; a third sister, widowed, lives a few houses away from them.
Fran is yet another non-stop talker, but at least she had some interesting things to say.  A notable item: She and a sister each retired from Lehman Brothers after 35 and 32 years, respectively, and both were screwed out of the bulk of their pensions.  Anybody go to jail for that?  Oh, no, certainly not, these are untouchables. The other sister "heads up," according to Fran, Holy Redeemer Hospice, and Betty may be able to get a job lead from her.
We stayed until about 1:00, then I made lunch while Betty showered.  Served her a true summer meal of turkey sandwiches, salad, iced tea, and watermelon.  I brought out the old pictures I wanted to give her and we looked them over, laughing (a little ruefully) over our enormous hair and our various stages of lean and chubby.
After she left, I drove here and there running errands.  Got home, had dinner, and enjoyed yet another Breakfast with Baby.  He's getting so big--soon to be a whole year old--and is just precious.  I love to see his antics; he surely now has a mind of his own, not to mention a little temper.
Looked at e-mail just now and saw a message listing those asked to call-backs for The Sound of Music.  My name isn't on it.  I wrote back saying I thought I had heard Stacey or Lou say, "Come on Monday for call-backs," but now I'm not so sure. Could "call backs are on Monday," without an invitation, actually be what was said?   Not sure, but even if I misunderstood, I'm not terribly disappointed. I'm already recasting this in my mind: It's a long way to drive, there's a grueling rehearsal schedule, and do I really want to mingle and perform with a bunch of unruly kids?  We'll see.    

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...