Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My Car and Bill Cosby

Well, wonders will never cease in Little Egg!
I called Keith and asked him to give me an clearer idea of the "very expensive" fix for my car.  He said labor would be $1200 and a rebuilt engine with a fairly low number of miles would be another seven- or eight-hundred.  So I'm looking at about two thou and it's still eleven years old with almost 200,000 miles on it.
So I agonized and agonized over it.  Thought I'd take it to Mastercraft to get a second opinion, but I know them to be expensive.  They have easy chairs and designer coffee in the waiting room (that's what always appealed to me), plus a receptionist.  My theory is they have to charge plenty to cover all that.
So I took it to Pat's Automotive.  Just told him the "check engine soon" light has been on and also, that it sounds funny.  He looked, said a cylinder wasn't firing, also that somebody--Keith, although I didn't tell him that--had put too thick an oil in and that caused something or other.  Charge ?  Forty-five bucks.
Was this a permanent--well, nothing in this world is permanent, so semi-permanent--fix?  Dunno, but I drove off absolutely delighted. Meandered here and there around town, and it continued purring like a little kitty.  Let's hope it'll now last until I take off for the left coast.
Aline called twice and we made plans for today.  Betty called; I'll see her on Saturday at the reunion to which I'm not particularly looking forward.
WIDER: I just received a forwarded e-mail that purports to be written by Bill Cosby.  I doubt this, but won't bother to look it up. It's one of those tiresome, semi-literate, ultra-right wing tirades that appeal to many of the Neanderthals whom I'll see at the aforementioned reunion.  Well, it was good for a laugh and I wrote back emphasizing the giggle factor and pointing out that it's fundamentalist garbage.  Let's hope that raises some hackles.    


iloveac said...

Rosemary, that's great. You took a chance waiting and seeking other input, but hey and hallelujah.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat. Let's hope it was the second guy who knows what he's talking about!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...