Saturday, September 13, 2014

My Car and Riches

Things are looking up.
Took my car to the guy in Parkertown Dennis R. recommended and I liked him right away.  Also liked the fact that he looked underneath and said it was okay to drive the three miles and back to the flea market today. Said he'd have to check and see what's going on with the pump or whatever.  Asked me to call Monday to see when he can work on it without having me wait too long.
Continued on up to Manahawkin to pick up my meds and some cottage cheese.  Home, I spent a longa, longa time--about two hours--preparing veggies.  After trimming and chopping, I dumped garlic and onions in oil to soften, then tackled the mountain of tomatoes I got at the farm.  Cored, then cut them into a large dice--or maybe a small chunk--added some Italian seasoning and set it all to simmer for about an hour and a half.  Had it for dinner over elbow macaroni and oh, mama, so good!    
Also cut up the broccoli I bought at Santori's the other day and had that for lunch, along with leftover salad.  It occurred to me that I eat a lot of vegetables.
Went down to Graveling Point about 4:00, stopped at the bank for ones, then loaded up the car with the priceless treasures I intend to sell today.
Groan...!  Okay, I confess: It's only a quarter of five on Saturday morning and I'm already up, dressed, and ready to go.  Don't know why I seem to have this compulsion to be early for everything, but I do.  It's all right, though; I'm leaving soon and when I come back, I'll be rich, rich, RICH!!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...