Monday, September 22, 2014

Nothing and the American Soldier

I did nothing interesting, absorbing, or even mildly pleasant most of yesterday.  After our walk, I didn't go out at all, an unusual and disheartening situation for me.  Didn't go out because I was afraid of driving somewhere and being stuck.  The car, still in the driveway, started up, but didn't sound right, so I left it there.
Spent the whole day finishing up the sorting and packing of the artifacts in the Uncle Frank bench.  I now have all of it in a number--too many--of plastic containers in the garage.
Although I don't like Mastercraft's prices, I think I'll consult the guy there to get a second opinion on my car.  Luckily, this week is less busy than usual, but I do have a hair dresser appointment on Friday and the doofy reunion on Saturday.  Not looking forward to either.
WIDER:  One of my friends put something on Facebook that's about the weirdest and most grotesque "share" I've ever seen.  For some reason--I think it's my settings--I can't copy it here, but will describe:  On what seems to be a silk wall hanging with an artistically waving flag and two golden crosses is the legend:
  Only Two Defining Forces Have Ever Offered To Die For You
                 Jesus Christ and the American Soldier
                        One Died For Your soul
                 The Other Died For Your Freedom
No, I don't think there's any hope for this country.  And maybe, considering the above, there shouldn't be.

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