Monday, September 29, 2014

Lunch and The Shadow

Nice day.  Aline and I met Betty and Helen C. for lunch at the Pitney Pub--my suggestion--in Galloway.  We're a bit tired of Italian Gourmet, where we've met innumerable times and we were just at the Irish Pub a few weeks ago.  Happened to see this driving by after the reunion and wanted to give it a try.
It's a nice, homey, neighborhood tavern, somewhat sketchy when it comes to decor (think vinyl seats and artificial flowers) and maybe not scoured every hour with Lysol, but excellent on the important things: food and wait staff.
I had my favorite lunch, a hamburger close to red inside and oozing grease, and a Blue Moon on draft.  Betty ordered an "autumn salad" that included apple slices, nuts, and dried cranberries, and Aline a taco salad with chicken in a huge shell.  Don't recall what Helen had, but she quaffed a beer, too.
We parted after a leisurely time and drove off before I noticed the devil himself was in the car.  He enticed me into suggesting ice cream for dessert, Aline enthusiastically approved, and we stopped at Jeffreeze for the good stuff.
I had asked Aline to be "a female beggar" in The Shadow play and she was pleased to accept.  (I'm casting myself as Apple Mary.) Took her to my place to give her a copy of her pages (she has only three lines, but can be in other shows, too), and we ran over it a few times; she'll be fine.
As honorary grandmother, A. ooh and ahhed over the latest adorable Mr. K. pictures, which I never tire of sharing.  Took her home about 5:00 after we made a date for Tuesday.
I sent Steve S. an e-mail, asking him to play Lamont Cranston/The Shadow; hope he accepts.  Steve, a Latin teacher at Pinelands Regional was Tony in Tony and the Heiress and recently became a new father--of twins.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...