Sunday, June 08, 2014

Strawberries Of New Jersey

Went to the library for the "Strawberry Fields of New Jersey" program, bringing Susan and Barbara H.  Similar to the Downton Abby program last month, the room was set up with tables around which we sat, and on which were teapots, delicate little teacups, and books that had something to do with strawberries.
It was fun and included delicious homemade goodies--all, of course containing or topped with strawberries--and a chocolate fountain, into which attendees could dip.
Home about 2:00, I dropped my friends off and immediately left for Kohl's to try to find something for the wedding, which is looming closer and closer.  I wanted to go there because I have a thirty percent off coupon.
Was I successful?  Ha!  I didn't even see anything I wanted to try on. Did buy two tops, but they're semi-casual and I'll have to continue to look.  Think I'll try Macy's, although their prices are outrageous.
Home, I enjoyed more of the chicken thighs I had roasted, along with the bok choy I had done in the crock pot.  That was so good; I'm getting to enjoy bok choy more and more.
After dinner, I was delighted to get a Skype call from the precious little angel in Japan.  What a sweetheart!  Every time I see him, he seems so much bigger, more alert, and more active, if that's possible. When he saw me on the screen, he broke out into a huge smile and got so excited, P. could hardly hold him.  He was wearing darling little blue overalls, just like the ones Daddy has--what an adorable little boy!
Today, I'm going to the Peace Pilgrim covered dish in Egg Harbor. It's always a relief to be with like-minded folk who don't subscribe to the odious "hero" myth.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...