Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hair And Stuff

After dropping Aline at the bus stop, I rushed home to shower, get a few odds and ends out of the way, and get to the hairdresser's for my 12:30 appointment.
Hey, my hair looks good, much shorter and newly perked up with color.  I've been considering letting it go natural, as the cost is ridiculous: eighty bucks, plus sixteen for tip, which essentially amounts to to a C-note.  That does include a cut, which I guess I would need only now and then, but still....
After, I stopped at a few places for errands, then home to work on my second and final F.O.C.U.S. presentation.  I plan to spend a little time on resumes, then do mock interviews.  I still haven't heard from the reporter, but I don't care; in fact, I'd just as soon he forgot about it.
Partially cleaned the master bedroom and bath, which I'll vacate while Rob and Jan are here.  I like to give that suite over to couples, so they can have more privacy.  I have no problem sleeping in the guest room, and I'll switch back on Saturday, when they leave and Mike comes in.
I need to get my oil changed and of course, that whole thing about the over-heating is still hanging over my head. Besides, my phone told me my battery is low.  I can never remember if plugging it into the charger takes care of that, or not. I don't think it does, so I'll have to take time to get a new battery, I guess--darn.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...