Sunday, June 01, 2014

GMC And Dinner

I invited Susan to come along with Aline and me to the Gay Mens' Chorus program at the library.  She accepted, I drove, and we arrived in plenty of time.
This was the New Jersey GMC, but was smaller than the ensembles I've heard before.  It comprised only nine singers, the conductor, and a pianist. They sang beautifully, of course, and the program included several "gay pride" selections, plus some rousing ethnic and show tunes. We saw other neighbors there and I chatted with Kathy and Jack D., who lost their only child to AIDS several years ago.
Brought Aline and Susan back to the house for iced tea and nibbles and S. stayed for an hour.  We enjoyed chatting and laughing--the discourse all very light, of course, as it always is with Susan except when we accidentally veer into something dangerous.*
Aline was staying for dinner and I had prepared chicken legs with oil and lemon pepper, along with salad and a few sides.  Popped the chicken into the oven while we were talking and finished up after Susan left.  It was all yummy, if I say it myself, especially dessert: vanilla ice cream topped with the fresh strawberries I had picked with my own hands!  Guess I'm practically a friggin' farmer now.
After, we took a little excursion down Seven Bridges Road (there are actually only five bridges), way out into the meadows, to view the water.  I then drove Aline home and returned my longtime friend, Jeanne's (the one I always say was the prettiest girl in our class), call.
With her siblings, Jeanne is planning a memorial service in July for her younger sister and was wondering if I had any ideas for an appropriate place in Atlantic City or surroundings.  I didn't have anything specific, but offered to check out a possible venue another sister had scouted out.
I had invited Betty to come to the GMC program, then to my place for dinner, but she declined.  She's distracted dealing with the insurance company nightmare, which I hope is resolved soon.  I'll call her and see if I can do anything for her today, which is about the only one I don't have scheduled.
*Well, that's pretty cryptic, but so be it; I don't want to include here a critique of Susan's and my friendship or, more accurately, maybe, acquaintanceship.     

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