Thursday, June 19, 2014

Busy, Betty, And Iraq

Busy, busy, but I got what I needed--or wanted--to do, done.
Partially packed in the morning, walked with Susan, did more packing, plus wash, wrapped the two huge pictures in bubble wrap, then white gift paper, then ribbon--aagh!  What a chore and I'm still vacillating between "they'll love the gift" and "what in the world ever made me think this was a good idea?"
Left for the farm about 10:00, later than I wanted, and got there about 11:30. Luckily, it was more dusty than muddy, and it didn't take long.  I got the kale, lettuce, summer squash, and something-or-other-else from the barn, then then went out to the fields to pick our other allotment for the week: a quart of string beans and "bouquet" of herbs.
Drove off with my trove, stopping at a dollar (or multiples thereof) store on the way for cards (wedding and Tokyo son's birthday) and a few other items.  Arrived at my friend's house and quickly divided the veggie goodies, leaving hers on the porch.
Got home about 1:30 to find sister Betty a little early, waiting outside in her car. We greeted each other, went in, and have been having a good sisterly time since.
I had meatballs in the freezer and always have pasta and spaghetti sauce in the pantry, so that was dinner. Added a big salad based on the freshly-picked lettuce, leftover crystal pickles, and Italian ice for dessert. While I assembled it, Betty took a bath, an activity in which I haven't indulged for twenty years (I'm a shower girl).
After, we talked and pursued our various electronic vices.  Susan called to tell me the procedure she had had, had* a positive outcome. That's good.
I called Naomi P. to tell her I had spoken to Jeanne D. about N. still being in touch with J.'s cousin, Phil, whom I remember as a devastatingly handsome blond teenager.  I was amused to hear from N. that he's now an ultra-right winger who sends her e-mails railing against what he sees a modern-day chicanery.  I just got something like that from an old school friend; had to do with them mooslems trying to take over Australia.  Yes, indeed, we should string 'em all up, along with the Jews and atheists, just what Christ would have done.
Showed Betty the latest video of Adorable Little Grandson, we chatted a bit more, had a downright evil snack, then beddy-byes.
* Love to have been able to write that!  And it's legit--okay, it's awkward, but nevertheless, proper English. Ha!
WIDER:  I just sent this to my "representatives" in Congress:
Not one more military person to Iraq!  After the fiasco of past years and after the death and destruction we unleashed over there for so long, it's absolute evil to support the horror of still more.   Even if you don't care about the people we're slaughtering, at least have some thought for the misguided American youth who do the actual dirty work.  Not one more to Iraq!

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