Sunday, June 15, 2014

Mike Here

Mike here--yay!
Rob and Jan decided to stay another evening and we hit on going down to Long Beach Island to the water.  Enjoyed the walk along the beach and jetty, the fisherpeople, and especially, the sun and glorious blue sky, and puffy clouds, and ocean--just Jersey at its best.
Got home before Mike's expected arrival time of 2:30, but he got in early and was already there. We talked and talked, then Rob and Jan went out for a ride and walk and Mike and I went to Gravelling Point.  We walked way, way out in the marshes; water was a bit choppy, but benign.  Several boats and a few people there.
Went home and after a bit, Rob and Jan came in.
Mike, as he always does, suggested Brothers' Pizza and we went there, Mike picking up the tab.  Ate, talked, then went to The Pine Cone for frozen custard, Rob's treat.
Mike was tired, so begged off, but I took Rob and Jan to Gravelling Point to show them the nearby water.  We walked on the beach a bit, then went home to find Mike already in his p.j.s and ready to turn in, which he did shortly.
Talked to Betty, made up my bed in the study, and was soon in Dreamland myself.


iloveac said...

Hey! You were supposed to reveal the secret TODAY. Don't keep your readers in suspense any longer.
Glad you are having a wonderful time with perfect weather to be by the water.

iloveac said...
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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...