Saturday, June 07, 2014

Boscov's And Stuff

Left for Boscov's about 10:30 to return my shoes and top.  It was jammed, there wasn't enough sales help and what there was, was harried.  In addition, a lot of the merchandise seems overpriced to me.  So what's to like about Boscov's?  Less and less all the time on my part, I'm afraid.
Met Betty at Outback after that and we had a good, convivial lunch. My salad included tuna tartare: thin slices of fresh tuna encrusted with sesame, seared on the outside, and essentially raw otherwise.  I guess this would revolt some people, but I love it.  Had it for the first time in Hawaii years ago.
On the way home, stopped at Santori's for fresh feta and at Shop-Rite--the one in Galloway is much larger and better than Manahawkin's--for lots of other supplies.  That included chicken thighs (I may be the only one in the universe who prefers dark meat to light and find chicken breast insipid compared to the lower parts), tomatoes and other salad fixings.  I'll bring one to the Peace Pilgrim covered dish luncheon tomorrow.
Got home and immediately oiled and seasoned the chicken, then popped it in the oven.  Washed and chopped bok choy and, along with a sliced onion, put it to cook in the crock pot. Those items comprised my dinner and a tasty one it was.
Heard from nephew Rob; he and lady friend Jan will blow in on Thursday and stay over two nights.  Too bad they'll probably miss Mike, who won't be here until afternoon on Saturday, a few hours after his cousin leaves.
Going to a "Strawberry Fields in New Jersey" presentation with Susan at the library today.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...