Monday, April 14, 2014

Hair Dryer

Did lots of small, but needed, chores, then went to Manahawkin.  Took the new hair dryer back to Kohl's--don't know why I bought it and never opened the box, as I definitely want a wall-hung one.  Went to Bed, Bath & Beyond and found they had none in stock, but could order it.  I should have, but foolishly, I thought I might be able to buy it cheaper elsewhere.  Went on-line and no, that's not the case. Called B, B & B and found I couldn't have it sent to the store, then pick it up, but have to go in.  Will do after I get my income tax done at St. Mary's.
Re that:  Boy, I never wait this long to have my tax return done.  However, I was so involved in the play and all--oh, gimme a break, Rosemary, it wasn't that absorbing--that I kept putting it off... Yes, my middle initial is "P" for "Procrastinator."  Every year, I've paid big bucks ($272 last time) to have my relatively simple tax returns done and I was determined not to this time, so I'm going to a free church-run place at St. Mary's in Manahawkin.  Let's hope this turns out okay.
I'm intrigued by an organization which rests on its members vowing not to buy anything (aside from consumables like food) for a year.  I'm thinking about it, even though I may not actually join.  Being in the process of clearing out, I'm constantly amazed at what I've bought over the years and I'm sick, sick, sick of all this stuff. I'm not a hoarder--am pretty neat, in fact--but this is a good-sized house and it's filled with such a huge accumulation.  All of it is usable and in good shape, but I don't need it, I don't want it, and I'm bent double over the weight of it! 
With that off my mind, I have news which is much more important than anything since the birth of the Tokyo Tot.  It's so monumental, in fact, that I devoted a whole post to it; see following post.   

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Such happy news. So good you got to spend time with them in December. I was just wondering why you hadn't blogged about 'seeing' the two lovebirds via Skype.
Is a big wedding in the plans?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...