Tuesday, April 08, 2014

A Long Post About A Not-Good Day

Resumed walking with Susan and, after breakfast, went over to the clubhouse to buy a ticket for the Women's Club luncheon in May.  Maureen K. was one of the sellers--yoicks!  I had interviewed her and Carl weeks ago and, what with all the time and effort necessary to put into the play, hadn't even begun their profile. Now, The Breeze deadline was--is--looming and yesterday, I was horrified to learn the K.'s were leaving for five days this morning! 
Rushed home and started pulling together my fragmented notes.  Wrote up a mediocre and much-too-long piece and sent it off via email for the K.'s to check for errors.  
Changed and went to the open board meeting at 2:00.  I usually don't attend, but I thought Jim N. might be pushing his Wounded Warrior campaign and I wanted to be the anti-voice.  Turns out he didn't open his trap, but I stayed anyway.
"Our veterans" (not my veterans) had been asked to assemble after the meeting to have their picture taken for the May (Memorial Day, doncha know?) Breeze cover.  I didn't, of course, bring up this odious--as well as trite--idea, nor did I approve it, but I didn't bother to protest when it was brought up last month.
Left to go buy oranges at Acme, then went back to attend a Breeze editorial meeting with my fellow staff.  We discussed ideas, enjoyed coffee and homemade cookies, courtesy of Lee S., and had a good session.
It was close to 5:00 after and I was absolutely desperate for something to listen to in the car (for months, I had taken a tape recorder and rehearsed my lines for Hedda), so I drove up to the Stafford Library to get some DVDs.  
Stopped first at B.J.'s for oranges and tofu, then searched out Aline at the library. She was working until 6:00 and I stayed to take her home in the steady rain.
I walked in close to 7:00, then had to listen to a lo-o-o-ng message--so long it was continued after the time on the machine ran out--from Maureen, who had all kinds of changes and corrections for the Breeze article.  
I called her and was subjected to talkyedy-talk-talk, rapidly rapt, because after all, this was about her and there's nothing more important than her, even though she's a profoundly mundane, even boring, housewife in suburban New Jersey who never had an original thought in her head and thinks the sun rises and sets with Pope What-His-Name in the Vatican.
Well, that's mean, she's really not that bad, I guess, but I was frazzled, mostly because I had made the changes on Word and they didn't "save," although I had hit "enable editing."  Just as I was crying with frustration--by this time, it was after 7:00 and I had had no dinner--my sainted son from Tokyo Skyped me to save the day. He not only retrieved the changes, but explained that I was "saving" all wrong and was just duplicating the article (I'm still not sure why).
He walked me through it and I wrote the instructions down and will henceforth follow them.  Even beyond that, he allowed me to see and interact with the adorable little jumping jack, who will soon, I know, be crawling, then walking, then who knows what? 
Finally sent off the corrected piece, made my popcorn, watched a few minutes of television--the cultural level of which was actually frightening-and finally fell into bed.     

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...