Sunday, April 06, 2014

Second To Last

Slept late again, but not as grotesquely so as I have been; was up at about 7:15.
I can barely remember what I did yesterday until picking up Aline and getting to the theatre...
Oh, that's right: I went to the thrift store and picked up two blouses, as I wanted more front-buttoned ones.  However, I saw a pullover I liked, and got that, too.  I spent a whopping $2.60 on them--for both, that is, as they were having a twenty percent off day.
Last night's performance went well, I think, but I was unaccountably nervous, maybe because my daughter, niece, and her husband and son were there. It was great fun greeting them in the lobby after the performance.  The audience was larger than on other nights, but still very sparse, I'm afraid.  I'm beginning to think the venue--Surflight Theatre, of which we were so excited to contemplate--is one of the problems.  It's simply so far away from Little Egg, that many who might ordinarily come, decide against it.
We close after today's performance and as ever, I'm sighing over that.  After all the months of preparation: memorizing the dialogue, working out the blocking, rehearsing over and over, dealing with costumes, makeup, props, and all the other items, large and small, involved in putting on a play.  This includes the spats and annoyances and back-biting here and there that seem to go on during every production; this time, luckily, I stayed above the fray, angel of concordance that I am.
So long, Hedda, and hello, Miss Back to Normal Life.  

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