Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Income Tax And The Sea

Got the income tax done, finally.  Instead of going to the blood-suckers at H & R Block, let alone a private accountant, I took advantage of the free AAUP service. This session was held--quite efficiently, too--at St. Mary's in Manahawkin and, after filling out a preliminary form, I was assigned to a nice guy named Bob.   Aside from the fact that I had forgotten my dividend form from Vanguard and had to go home and get it, it went smoothly.   I'm getting money back (not as much as last year, but I didn't have as many medical expenses), and I'm satisfied, as well as vastly relieved.
Stopped at Bed, Bath & Beyond and ordered the wall-hung hair dryer, which will be delivered to me at home.  Went to Shop-Rite for veggie items, Kohl's for Easter cards for the boys in Wellsboro, and Staples for a mailing cylinder.
Re the previous: For a wedding gift, I'm sending my great-niece, a veterinarian in New Zealand, copies of two large photos of my father (her great-grandfather), when he was on Villanova debating team and track team.  We're talking 96 years ago here, folks, and how strange it is to look at that person--a boy, really, still in his teens--and realize I know what was to come, but he didn't: a career as a civil engineer, marriage in a few years to a girl named Helen, a move to the New Jersey coast, six children, and an early death (at 51) in an accident.
Well, I guess it's a good thing we can't see the future.
Late in the day, I drove to the bay to be rejuvenated by the sea.  It was very windy and white caps were rolling in furiously, lashing the beach and throwing foam on the shore.  The noise was deafening and, fascinated as I was, I was also the slightest bit apprehensive.  What if the ocean should gather itself up, rear back, then decide to show the land who's really boss?  I wouldn't have a prayer of getting away and my bones would lie forever full fathom five...
Aline, still in Westchester, called and we had a good talk.  Ditto Betty and we made a lunch date for today.              

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...