Sunday, February 09, 2014

Mike Here--Yay!

Spent the morning preparing for my boy's visit.  He sent an e-mail from Frankfort (yes, Germany, which still seems remarkable to me) to the effect that he'd be here about 2:00.
He was, and what a joy to see him!  He brought me a beautiful box of orchids from Singapore (will try to add a picture), along with his crazy, quirky self.  We visited for an hour or so, then his sister and her husband came and it was so good.
Ordered pizza from Brothers,' for which I wanted to pay, but was not permitted. With that and a salad, we had a good and simple dinner.
We howled over the funny--and grotesque--cat stories of both.  Mike had a kitty put down he thought was a stray, only to have a neighbor come looking for it.  His brother-in-law buried a dead cat, which didn't happen to be the one who came every day.
Mike went to bed very early--jet lag--and I followed at my usual time.  We're both up now (he just left to get bagels) and I hope he can stay for a few hours before he has to get back.
Before Mike came, I enjoyed videos of little K., laughing and gurgling and getting his very first "solid" food--rice gruel, which may put him off food forever.   However, if he wasn't enthusiastic, he was resigned.
Started my eye drop routine, which I'll follow faithfully for three days.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...