Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cataract Surgery Over

Well, it's over--the first one, anyway.  My friend picked me up at 8:00, we got Margate a bit before 9:00 and I was taken into the inner sanctum right away.
I was surprised that you keep your clothes on; they just give you a gown and cover your hair and shoes.  A very nice nurse, Anne Marie, prepped me, then I went under the knife.
I think the anesthesiologist should have increased the dosage or kept it up longer, or something, because I became aware of what was happening before it was over. It wasn't actually painful--I felt pressure only for a second or two--but I didn't like the sensation at all.  Before he injected me, I mentioned I would have like to take an Ativan beforehand and he said I could have.  Before the next one, I want to get in touch with him and be sure I heard right.
Was home by a bit after twelve noon and had "breakfast"--my usual, although it was actually lunchtime.  Took a nap while my friend went for a run, then we went to Acme together.     
I was delighted when son, Mike, called from Salt Lake to say his second meeting has been cancelled due to the anticipated bad weather and, as he doesn't leave until Saturday evening, would be back here last night.
He was--blew in about 7:30 with a pizza, just as we were ending a Skype call from Tokyo.  Mike and family are going to be there in April, so will see that branch (including the adorable little twig) then.
Since Mike can take me back for my check-up appointment, my friend left for home after many thanks and hugs from me.  Had my popcorn and iced tea (I'm skipping the evening wine now), and both went to bed early.
As for my eye: It's still exceedingly blurry--like looking through thick gauze--which worries me a lot, but I hope that will correct itself before long.  Will ask the doctor today.


Jim Wetzel said...

Vision clearing up any?

iloveac said...

It'll take a few days--- just keep up with the drops.

I had recommended you find out if Ativan could be used pre op-- I was sure it'd be OK.

You'll be fine--give it a day or two for the blurriness to subside.

Glad your baby boy is there to keep you on track.


Mimi said...

Thanks to both of you; vision is much better than it was yesterday. Mike took me back for post-op today in the middle of the monsoon and all seems well. Pat, I'm going to get in touch with the anesthesiologist before the next one and ask about the ativan.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...