Saturday, February 22, 2014

Post From The Past

I've decided to occasionally re-post some former entries of mine--those of the pacifist persuasion, that is.  This is from June, 2009:

Wider: Just in case we ever delude ourselves that our elected representatives are upstanding human beings--or even as upstanding as a second-story man-- note this from Anti-War.Com: 
"Despite growing opposition, the House of Representatives today narrowly passed the $106 billion war funding bill today, 226-202. The vote capped weeks of major debate about the merits of several provisions of the bill, notably the guarantee of $108 billion in credit to the International Monetary Fund (IMF)." Two dem politicians are quoted, one to the effect that the bill "still sucks" but "we're in the process of mopping up in two wars...." The other said she doesn't believe the bill has merit but "I want to support my president."
Well, finally! A politician who's honest. Clearly, what she's actually saying is "I realize this bill is an abomination and will only further support the pain and suffering we inflict on others, but politicsand my loyalty to the brand must take precedence over any other considerations including, of course, those of morality."
No damning adjective is too strong for these monsters.


Jim Wetzel said...

And the more things change, the more they stay the same.

I saw a link the other day -- can't remember where, now -- that showed one of these thematic world maps. This one highlighted the countries, worldwide, that had never been invaded by England ... and there were hardly any. True, we aren't English. Except that we are; we're just colonial English. The phrase "cancer on the face of the earth" comes to mind. Disagreeable as it is, we white Americans have to face the fact that we're the inheritors of about as warlike a legacy as there has ever been. Not a good thing.

Mimi said...

That's certainly true, Jim, and it's both disgusting and tragic.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...