Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mike And Me

A fun day with Mike.  It snowed, but not heavily; Susan came to the door, but I decided not to walk.  Just didn't want to risk it, but I will today; happily, we got no rain or snow at all last night and what had fallen before is gone.
Mike presented me with a box of candy for Valentine's Day and we lazed around in the morning, then went to B.J.'s after lunch,  Then--surprise!--Mike bought me a new T.V.  My other one is seventeen years old and tends to "freeze" every ten minutes or so: no movement, no sound, just a "still picture" on the screen.  This doesn't bother me a lot, as I don't watch much, anyway, but it does get mildly annoying if there's something I actually want to watch.
Mike also hooked up the thing, but the Comcast "box" seems not to work.  He called the company and got a pleasant young man who had him do this and that, but it still didn't come to life.  He made an appointment for a technician to bring a new box and hook it up on Tuesday.
We Skyped Ellen and had a nice virtual visit with her, then got to Mike's three ladies in Singapore and chatted with them.  Vivian and Violet are are lively and talkative as ever--it's always wonderful to see them.  Also made plans to go up to my friend's today, from which Mike for depart for Newark Airport (sob!).
We had thought we'd go out for dinner--I was going to treat--but time got away from us and we just had leftovers.
Played Scrabble again and--after a bad drubbing by Mike the other night--I prevailed with my natural superiority and won.  I got 76 points with--get this: "waxy," which I combined with "pit" to form "pity," a nice point payoff standing alone, but I covered a triple word square!
As for my eye: It continues to improve and remarkably enough, I now can see out of it better than with my other eye.  Of course, it's annoying that my eyes don't "match"--when I have glasses on, it's disconcerting, but that will be remedied, I hope, when the other eye's done.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...