Thursday, February 20, 2014


On my second day of public transportation, I caught the train to Philly at 12:17.  It was miserably cold and rainy waiting at the station in Absecon, but nice once I boarded.  Got to Thirtieth Station a bit before 1:00 and cousin John arrived shortly thereafter.
We looked at all the restaurants--I had no particular preference--and finally settled on Saladworks.  Ordered, received our food, and settled into one of the many tables set up that form a food court.
John has been on a certain diet for a year.  I've heard about it; it purports that one's blood type should dictate how one should eat.  Stupid, idiotic, and dumb, if you ask me, but John has high cholesterol and doesn't want to take medication, so is following this in an effort to lower it.
The desired result hasn't happened and you'd think that would deter him, but no.  He even eats meat now--he had been vegetarian for twenty years--but only sardines on Fridays, because he still adheres to the old Catholic stricture about abstaining on those days.
That didn't surprise me, as John is an old fashioned guy.  He doesn't have a cell phone, but took out a palm pilot--they were big ten or fifteen years ago--which he said he had bought at a thrift store for twenty bucks.  He made a notation of some sort with a small pencil-like thing; I think they must function as a kind of reminder device.  He has and uses a computer at home, but doesn't bank on line, nor does he have any credit cards--pays everything up front.
We had some good talk and reminiscences, but I cut it short about 3:00, as I didn't want to be driving back from Absecon in the dark.  Said goodbye and took the 3:19 back.
When I got home, I enjoyed a lovely virtual visit with darling little K., who was about to go to a baby's play place with his Daddy.  He thrilled me when he saw me on the monitor and gave me a big smile.  He knows his Nana!  (Anyway, that's what she prefers to believe.)
Called sister Betty to explain about the dropped call (see below), then called brother Jim to wish him a happy eighty-eighth birthday.  He and his family were going out to The Red Lobster for dinner.
Note: Betty had called on my cell when I was waiting for the train to Philly and, during our conversation, the phone cut off, as I had run out of minutes.  Yes, I'm perfectly happy with my cheap TracPhone and no, I don't pay a monthly charge, just buy minutes at the drugstore.  It doesn't include the Internet and is very basic, but hey, that's fine by me, as I don't even use it that much.  Bought 60 minutes and it was doubled--I don't know why, some kind of promotion, I guess--so I can talk for two hours before I have to buy again.  Cost? $19.99.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...