Sunday, October 13, 2013

This and That

I was delighted to get a Skype call from The Tot in Tokyo, my precious little grandson, now over a month old and adorable.  His mum was in the shower and his Da was chatting with him, as well as providing a finger to hold when he dozed off.  What a little doll.
I was determined to keep up my momentum in the garage and to that end, started organizing vases and planters.  Now one might wonder how many vases and planters a person could have.  Hmm...I probably had five dozen if you count them all.  I piled about thirty in the car and unloaded them at the thrift store in town. 
After lunch, I drove up to Manahawkin in the continuing wind and rain and stopped at the thrift store there and got sturdy hangers and a few other things.  Went to Target and was chagrinned to find the socks I like may not be carried anymore.  They were five bucks a pair last year and I like the fabric, especially the patterns, of which I have many. 
They had socks for three bucks and six bucks and I couldn't figure out if either were the same and if just the prices had changed.  Bought a three-buck pair as a kind of grudging compromise and this great truth of the cosmos dawned on me:  It doesn't matter what socks I bought, as the world will go on turning!  Wow, that was a revelation.
Enjoyed picking out Halloween cards for the kiddies, then it occurred to me it was almost 4:00 and Aline would be getting off at the library.  Went there, but I was mistaken: She wasn't working yesterday. No matter, though.  I drove home and was settled in for the rest of the day by 5:00.
Called Jeanne S. when I got home, as I decided to act as M.C. and announce the show on December 3, but not appear in it.  Asked Jeanne to take over the part and she was agreeable, so I sent her the script and rehearsal schedule.              

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...