Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Lunch And So On

Met my fellow "Sparklers" (no longer Red Hats; we dropped out) at 11:00 at the clubhouse. We had a short meeting, sang "Happy Birthday" to Lee S., and left for LBI. 
I deviated on the way by stopping at the library and reserving several Tuesdays for rehearsals.  I'll have to supplement them with others here and will probably add some elsewhere.
The plan was to go to "Bead It" after lunch and make ourselves jewelry.  Well, I'd rather do that that hang by my thumbs for three days, but--I begged off, saying I was expecting someone at home--true--and that I had a lot to do otherwise--semi-true. 
We had lunch at The Greenhouse (so-so), then I parted.  Had my car loaded up with postcard boxes and other things and was going to stop at Unshredded Nostalgia to tell Jim I'd accept his offer, after all.  Then it occurred to me I should first scan the Ventnor cards and some of the Atlantic City ones, so drove home.
My friend and helper came and we (she) moved some stuff in the garage.  Now all I have to do is clear out more stuff, a mere ten-year undertaking, it seems.
Rest of the day was all tweaking scripts of my two plays.  The casts are coming tonight and I hope, hope, hope they all show up. This is the first time any of them except Aline will hear the plays and I'm nervous about whether they'll "fly," as the saying goes.   

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...