Sunday, October 20, 2013

Lots Going On

Boy, am I getting to be a lazy lowlife.  I just got up--at 7:20!  Maybe I'd still be snoozing, but I awoke for a delightful reason:  a Skype call from my precious little grandson in Tokyo. 
I was able to give him a bath--virtually--then get him all snuggled up in a onesie.  He's just adorable and so alert and active.  His Daddy said Baby had been wearing an outfit with a hedgehog on it, so he made up a story about a hedgehog and a bee.  What fun to see all three of them!
More proof that my character is declining: I haven't walked in the morning since I took Susan to the hospital.  MUST begin again tomorrow.
As to yesterday: I called Ellen V., and was pleased she was able to accept my invitation to use Aline's ticket for Cabaret today; we'll meet for lunch at Buckalew's first.  Talked to Betty, who may be able to join us, and she'll try, but at this point, isn't sure.
Stopped to see Susan on my way to the Players & Playwrights meeting in Margate.  She looked okay and was amused by the "Sunrise Suds" I brought to show her, but I'm getting more and more worried.  She still has pain and there are some new developments I learned later from our mutual friend, Julie L., that are troubling. 
The P & P meeting was lively, as ever.  My play, Wooing the Gods of Chance, was read and duly discussed.  There may be some good bits in it, but generally, it wasn't a hit, and that's probably deserved.  In truth, I like the title better than the body.
We broke up at four and I drove home, stopping on the way to get my key to Susan's from Marla (who fed Susan's bird and cats), then drop off Susan's key to Walter, who is now home from Canada. 
Washed up, then went to Oktoberfest at the clubhouse.  I sat with Virginia and Mary and their spouses, and had a good time.  Everybody got a kick out of my "Sunrise Suds" joke, the food was good (sausage, weinerschnitszel*, purple cabbage, and so on), the beer interesting (we had all brought a bottle for tasting tests, in my case, Harp, from Ireland), and the company companionable.  Stayed until almost 9:00.
Was happy to see Ellen on Skype, calling on Saturday instead of our usual Sunday, because she has a date.  We had a good talk and I was able to "meet" her renter, who seems nice, as far as I can see.
Much as I've enjoyed what I've been doing, and have scheduled recent activities myself, I'm now ready for a little downtime.  That should come tomorrow, I'm happy to say.
* I can't spell it and neither can the English-usage-challenged techies at Spellcheck.  However, my pal, Jim, can, so I corrected it--thanks, Jim.


Jim Wetzel said...


There. I've been good for something today.

Mimi said...

Okay, Wetzel, just because that's your last name, you have to show off! Well, I'll have you know my mother's last name was "Figenshu," shortened from the original "Fiegenschuh,"so there!

Jim Wetzel said...

That's a cool name!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...