Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Long Beach Island And The Shutdown

Got a good number of chores crossed off my (figurative) "to do" list, including finishing the comic book stuff, responding to e-mails, and shaping up my proposal to Bev R., of FELS, that I conduct an "Acting for Amateurs" course.
Read the second and final act of John's play and found some areas of concern.  Now I need to be fastidious about couching my suggestions for improvement in diplomatic terms.  There's nothing so discouraging to a writer as careless dismissal.
Assembled a few LETCO items and got to the library about 10:00 to set up the display window for the theatre company.  Draped green and black fabric in the background--I've used it before--and added framed pictures of some of our productions.  It looked pretty sparse, so I went back later and added three of the lawn signs we had used, which fit perfectly on the top shelf, always problematic in that window.  Talked to a librarian about the possibility of reserving early December for a presentation of two of my short plays.  Sent the suggestion we do them to the rest of the board and so far, have a few responses, but need more.
I was so sorry to get a call informing me that J., Jr. is in the hospital after an asthma attack.  I called his Dad, then talked to J., Jr. himself and am much relieved that he seems to be doing fine.  They hope he'll be released today.
Picked up Aline at 3:30.  We stopped at Rite-Aid to get a prescription for her, then at B.J.'s for some needs of mine.  Drove down to LBI and--gasp!--turned left instead of right as we usually do after the causeway.  Went to ScoJo's for an early dinner, then down to Holgate to photograph the waves at high tide.
Finally and at long last, I got some great pictures--I think--of the ocean crashing and smashing against the bulkhead.  However, after I had taken at least fifty, my camera just "froze."  None of the buttons work and I have the idea I exhausted the memory chip or something. Darn!  Not sure how to fix it.
Very enjoyable and productive day, otherwise.
WIDER:  HAD to add this gem on the "shutdown" from a great writer, my cyber-pal, Jim:
I didn't ask permission, so maybe Jim'll sue me, but somehow, I doubt it.

1 comment:

Jim Wetzel said...

Thanks so much for the link! Not to mention the ridiculously-kind words. One of these days, I'm-a gonna get to New Jersey, and we're doing lunch!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...