Thursday, July 28, 2011

With Susan away, I went for my walk with the boys--Frank, Johnny, the Platters--on the IPod. Showered, then headed over to Buena to pick Regina up. We went to a nearby restaurant--she insisted on picking up the tab this time--then I went back to her place and we had dessert of half a peach with raspberry sauce.
Regina and I are poles apart politically, religiously, and, I guess, in other ways, but we like each other and enjoyed the day. I stayed until about 3:30, then called Betty to see if she could meet. There was no answer and I didn't get a message back, so I impulsively decided to drive down to Ventnor. I did and found Betty home; her cell isn't functioning properly. We sat on her porch and talked, and I left about 4:30.
Stopped at the cemetery after--it's not exactly on the way, but close--and watered the Mexican heather. Unfortunately, all three plants looks a bit wilted; hope that's just that they needed water.
Am interviewing Pat L. today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...