Thursday, July 07, 2011

Went to exercise--the three mile!--hung in and was glad when it was over. Finally got a few chores done around the house, including wash and vacuuming. Frank and Dave came at 3:30 for a final rehearsal of "If Guys Were Gals," which is coming right up on Saturday. Hope the one-act play thing is a success--and I fervently hope it doesn't rain. The production is at the Tuckerton Seaport on the stage outside; if it rains--aagh!
Ran up to Shop-Rite after for some stuff. Indulged myself with a rotisserie chicken, something I rarely buy because I like it so much I over-indulge. Did so.
After dinner, went to the library and when I came home, Susan was just walking past my house. We chatted and I invited her to sit on the porch for a bit. Did, then Walter came along and I asked them in for a glass of wine. They didn't leave until after 9:00, so I didn't get to bed at my usual time.
Lots of errands today and I must get ready for my company. I figure on five over for an early supper after the show on Saturday. Must prepare for my trip to Manhattan on Sunday, too.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...