Sunday, July 10, 2011

The day turned out pretty good. Got to the Seaport, as planned, at 1:30 to find Betty, Mookie, and Helen already there, along with my fellow show people. When we went downstairs and outside to the stage, we were concerned at the heat--also at the lack of visitors to the Seaport. Oh, well, the show must you know what.
The stage is roofed and was in the shade, but the audience section faced the full sun. Luckily, our guys are resourceful: Jim and Frank moved some picnic tables with umbrellas over and a number of people sat there.
By the time we started--a little late--we had about forty people there, not too bad considering the sparsity of visitors to the Seaport. The first sketch was very funny and went over beautifully. I'm afraid it was all downhill from there. Several poems were read, followed by a long, tedious act from a Spanish play called "One Sunny Morning." I was taken aback by the fact that both actors in it were unsure of their lines and read quite a bit of them. I thought the selection of this particular play was a mistake.
My skit went over well, although I wish Frank and Dave had slowed down their delivery a bit, as I kept telling them in rehearsal. Laughs came in the right places and everybody seemed to like it. The last was "The Further Adventures of Wasp Woman," which featured Mary H. in a wasp costume and her real-life husband, Jim, as her agent. It got some laughs but, as with so-so-so many others, was too long.
After, Betty, Helen, Mookie, and I went back to my house. Sat and talked for an hour or so, then had an early dinner at five. I told them they were guinea pigs when it came to the meal: If they liked it, I'd serve the same to the G.'s and the K.'s, whom I want to have over for dinner this week. It was thumbs up from all of them for the sweet 'n' sour meatballs, macaroni salad, green salad, crusty bread, and sides, so I'll probably have that again. We had a ball talking and laughing over this and that after the blueberry buckle, ranging over superstition, religion, people we knew, and old times. They left about 7:00, I cleaned up, and packed a bit. Good Day altogether.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...